The Company


Petroraza S.A.S. was founded with innovation as a purpose in the field of enhanced Oil Recovery through the development of patented technology and the proficiency of our human resources, quality control systems, equipment and products.

The company is determined to provide the products and services that can measure to the specific needs of our customers, effectively improving their productivity in enhanced Oil and gas Recovery.

The backbone of the company in supported on four core believes that act as guidelines for all quality control, health, security and environmental care. These guidelines have full economic support from management. The guidelines are:


Costumer service: Optimal quality service that strives towards the upholding of the commitments made with our clients.

Innovation: Lead with a proactive drive towards the development of new technologies and new products to provide a better service. Willingness to learn.

Accountability: Face possible flaws with responsibility and due diligence. With a log of requests and claims, accompanied by an analysis of the possible source of the problem and measures that ensure its resolved and non-recurrent.

Improvement: Optimization and review of all processes with social and environmental responsibility as route.



Performing with the highest ethical standards of business conduct is our main value for all of our operations.

All employees of PETRORAZA are expected to uphold the highest ethical standards of business integrity. Each must comply with all applicable laws and accurately record and track all business transactions. Employees are subject to disciplinary action, including termination, for violations of our policies.

Standards of Business Conduct

Our Standards of Business Conduct define the ethical conduct of the Company: These Standards, adopted and administered by the board of directors, uphold the values of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. These values represent key elements of our Standards. No one has authority to make exceptions or grant waivers to the Standards, Disciplinary action is taken against any employee who violates them.

Bribery and corruption

Anti-corruption practices are an essential component of our compliance program. The Anti-Corruption Legal Compliance Summary outlines PETRORAZA’s commitment to comply with the Colombian regulations, U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and global anticorruption standards in all business relationships. PETRORAZA employees and contractors are prohibited from making payments to, or engaging in transactions with, government officials to influence the performance of their official duties improperly. Maintaining internal controls and keeping accurate and complete transaction records are required. Our standard language for procurement contracts includes a requirement to comply with all laws, keep accurate books and records, and where appropriate, contains specific anti-bribery commitments.

Reporting violations

We reinforce our commitment to ethics and high standards of business conduct with the expectation that all employees will report suspected violations of laws and company policies. Confidentiality is respected throughout the investigation process subject to legal requirements; penalizing or threatening an employee for filing a report is prohibited.

Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision Statement

Develop, produce, and sell products for enhanced Oil and gas Recovery, generating the highest standards of quality and production through the strengthening of our human, technical, and financial resources.

All of this to guarantee and increase in the patrimony, permanence in market and client’s satisfaction.